本次论坛为期一天,分为主题演讲和项目介绍两个环节。主题演讲部分邀请到了普华永道,天合光能,Asia Pacific Urban Energy Association,伍德麦肯兹,远景,Hexagon Peak,Richterion Ltd,泰豪迈能,林德集团,Plug & Play,Ekss Company,Adenergy等公司嘉宾带来各自领域的应用案例分享。
It was a one-day forum, including keynote session and project pitching session. During the keynote session, speakers from PwC, Trina Solar, Asia Pacific Urban Energy Association, Wood Mackenzie, Envision Digital, Hexagon Peak,Richterion Ltd, Tellhow Meinergy, The Linde Group, Plug & Play,Ekss Company,Adenergy shared their experiences and cases in energy and tech industry.